Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Updates from synod workers

From the Hunger Committee: Members evaluated and prioritized applications for ELCA Hunger Grants when they met Dec. 3. We also heard a financial report on the effects of the Great Recession. Through Oct. 31, 45 churches had contributed $67,734.20 to World Hunger. The total includes gifts that passed through the synod office. It doesn’t include gifts that churches made directly to the ELCA churchwide office or to local programs. The committee spent about four hours evaluating 10 hunger grant applications and prioritizing them for the churchwide office, which will announce the grant awards next spring. In no particular order, criteria for grant applications include:
■ Does the program address the root cause of hunger?

■ Is the program a ministry of an ELCA congregation?
■ Is it unique or are there others like it in the community?

■ Does it involve collaboration between a congregation and the community?
■ Does the program include education and/or advocacy?
■ Does the program provide other benefits such as a visiting doctor, library access, clothing, quilts or similar items, or access to social service program case workers? Committee members will meet at 10 a.m. Jan. 7, in the Synod office to continue work on expanding hunger programs in local congregations and supporting the ELCA’s malaria and HIV/AIDS initiatives.
— Rick Nelson, Hunger Committee member

From the Fiscal Board: Members of the Synod’s Fiscal Board recommended in December that, in order to reduce costs of the annual synod assembly, the Synod Council consider containing the gathering to one day most years, and asking local families to host visitors.

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