office manager, Southwestern Washington Synod
The 2011 Synod Assembly will be Friday, May 13, and Saturday, May 14, at the Great Wolf Lodge in Chehalis. This fun, family-oriented hotel will be the backdrop for two days of learning, worship and business for our Synod’s rostered clergy and associates in ministry, and for congregational voting members and visitors. The theme is “God’s Work. Our Hands. Worship and Wellness.”
You can register for, and learn more about, the Synod Assembly at www.regonline.com/2011SynodAssembly. The cost is $180 per voting member before April 12, and $200 after that. The hotel is $145 per night. Reservations must be made directly with the Great Wolf Lodge, www.greatwolf.com, by April 12.
Speech topics and leaders include:
“When God Speaks” — the Rev. Dr. Craig Satterlee will give keynote addresses on Friday and Saturday entitled “When God Speaks,” plus he’ll preach at Friday evening’s worship service. Satterlee is the director of the ministry program and chair of homiletics at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. He is the author of seven books centered on preaching that include “When God Speaks Through You” and “Preaching in Times of Congregational Transition.”
Himself legally blind, Satterlee has a passion for ministry with persons with disabilities.
“Personal Wellness and Exercise” — Our ELCA representative will be the Rev. Mary Frances, the ELCA’s assistant director for the development of new congregations. She will provide an update on new congregations in the ELCA, as well insights on wellness and exercise. She will lead an early-morning yoga session Saturday.
“Personal Wellness and Spiritual Renewal” — Dr. Alan Shelton, medical director and family practitioner at the Puyallup Tribal Health Authority, will speak on wellness and spiritual renewal.
Other highlights include a presentation by a nutritionist, and Saturday-afternoon workshops focusing on everything from financial to spiritual wellness. One workshop will explain how to apply for ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants, and participants should bring their latest versions to review with members of the Synod’s Hunger Committee.
Friday evening’s worship service will include the ordination of the Rev. Hang Mo Son of Light of Grace Korean Lutheran Church in Federal Way. Following worship will be a banquet that will include the Bishop’s Award given to a very deserving person and some fun health-related activities.
The water park at the Great Wolf Lodge is available to registered guests of the hotel and is included in the price. There are lots of other activities and restaurants in the hotel, so bring your family if you’d like.
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