Monday, September 26, 2011

Do you have a call to represent the voiceless, the hungry?

By Rick Nelson of the Synod Hunger Committee

Is there someone in your congregation who is interested in what the ELCA is doing to combat hunger at home and abroad?

If so, the Southwestern Washington Synod Hunger Committee would like to meet that person, or persons, if one thinks optimistically. A resolution passed at the 2011 Synod Assembly asks congregations to increase awareness of, and participation in, the hunger programs of the synod and churchwide ELCA. The hunger committee is looking for at least one person in each congregation in the synod to serve as an advocate between the committee and the congregation.

The job can be as simple or as involved as the person desires. As the enclosed job description states, "Congregational Hunger Advocates are 'champions for hunger and poverty issues' within individual congregations throughout the Southwestern Washington Synod ELCA." Their “call” is to speak out for people who often have no voice — people who are poor and hungry — and helping to create educational opportunities for members of your congregation about the issues surrounding hunger in the world, and in your own community. What the hunger advocate will do depends on the available time, creativity, energy and opportunities of the advocate.

A congregation may already have an advocate. If so they're encouraged to renew their contact with the hunger committee. If not, the committee hopes that congregation leaders will put out the word so that someone will come forward.

For further information, contact Diane Armbrust by phone at (360) 456-8519 or online at

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