Saturday, September 3, 2011

From the synod office: Taking the mystery out of the call process

By the Rev. Ron Hoyum, assistant to the bishop

Over the past several years, I have had the privilege of working with nearly all of the congregations in our synod in the call process. Recently, one of our congregations asked that I write an article for their newsletter outlining the call process and sharing some helpful information. Here are some frequently asked questions that have been asked of me by congregations and call committees and the answers that I have given.

What documents govern the call process?
Two documents can be found on the ELCA website ( – the Ministry Site Profile and the Rostered Leader Profile. The first is filled out by the transition team and describes the congregation and its leadership needs. The second is the “resume” of the pastor that describes the gifts and skills of the pastor as well as his or her vision and style of pastoral ministry. Two other documents can be found on the synod website ( – the Call Manual and the Clergy Compensation guidelines. The manual is not a rule book to be slavishly followed but a handbook for an effective call process. It includes both forms and advice for call committees.

What are the responsibilities of a call committee?
The call committee interviews pastoral candidates on behalf of the congregation. Their work is confidential until the committee is ready to recommend a name to the congregation. Confidentiality is a courtesy to those pastors who are being interviewed. It also gives the call committee the needed freedom and flexibility to do their work.

Where does the synod office get candidates for the call committee?
The first place is through the congregational nomination process. The call committee will give members an opportunity to nominate pastors that they believe would be could candidates for call. The second place we look is to the pastors in our synod who are open for call. We have many fine pastors who serve faithfully and well. When they are ready to move we help them find a new call. Finally, we consult with our colleagues in the synod offices closest to us in Region I. We also look at pastors from around the country who have expressed an interest in serving in the Southwestern Washington synod.

How does the synod office select names for the call committee?
We first of all compare your ministry site profile with the rostered leader profiles of the pastoral candidates. We are looking to see how your leadership needs match up with their leadership skills. We also talk with the bishop in the synod where the pastor currently services. We ask him or her for an assessment of the particular pastor’s gifts and strengths for ministry.
Normally, a call committee will receive between three and five names of pastors to evaluate and interview.

How long will the call process take?
The process will normally take about six months, from the time when the committee receives names to interview to the time when the new pastor begins his or her new call. The call process is an exciting time in the life of a congregation and I am always amazed and gratified to see how God’s hand is at work leading and guiding the process. May God continue to bless those congregations in our synod as they anticipate new pastoral leadership in the coming months.

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