Monday, September 5, 2011

Send your September 11 remembrances

This is Rachel Pritchett, the synod communicator. The 10th anniversary of September 11 is next Sunday, and I think it would be appropriate to gather together the many commemorations our congregations are doing that day so that we can share with each other here and also in the upcoming Moments for Mission synod newsletter.

I'm inviting you to send portions of services planned that day, including sermons, petitions and responses from litanies, descriptions of special happenings, anything you're doing, plus photos. If there is anyone with an extraordinary story, please call directly.

Newsletter writers, as always, don't hesitate to repurpose into your own newsletters and onto your sites, too.

Send what you're planning at the below address either before next Sunday or shortly afterward, so we can make it timely. I'll put together a piece reflecting all of our remembrances. As far as I know, St. Mark's by The Narrows Lutheran Church of Tacoma is the only congregation hosting an interfaith prayer service. A light dinner and video on forgiveness is at 5:30 p.m. and the service is at 7 p.m. I will be attending, and from that get an anchor for this piece.

Hoping for a strong response,

Rachel Pritchett
(206) 498-0920

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