Good Sunday, everyone. Above are photos of the Moments of Blessing in South Kitsap County on Saturday for slain Washington State Patrol trooper Tony Radulescu and for the suspect who allegedly shot him and then shot himself, Joshua Blake. Almost all of the pastoral representation was ours from the Southwestern Washington Synod. The photos are being reproduced here from the Kitsap Sun, with permission. Steve Zugschwerdt was my photographer yesterday. My story in today's Sun is at this link. Cutlines are below, top to bottom. — Rachel Pritchett
The Rev. George Larson of First Lutheran Community Church of Port Orchard sprinkles healing water at the Highway 16 site of the Feb. 23 shooting of Washington State Patrol Trooper Tony Radulescu as the Rev. Bill Fulton of St. Antony's Episcopal Church of Silverdale and the Rev. Orv Jacobson of First look on.
The Rev. George Larson leads troopers and chaplains from the Washington State Patrol and the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office along Highway 16 to the exact site of the trooper killing.
The group worships nearby. Clergy left to right are the Rev. Orv Jacobson, visitation pastor at First of Port Orchard, the Rev. Bill Fulton of St. Antony Episcopal Church of Silverdale, the Rev. Sarah Roemer of Spirit of Life Lutheran Church of Olalla, and the Rev. Paul Meeker, turned toward camera, of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church of Bremerton. In the group is the Rev. Paul Stumme-Diers of Bethany Lutheran Church of Bainbridge Island.
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