The synod's 2012 budget of $960,000 is down from $1.25 million in 1996, due to the recession, the closing and merging of congregations and fallout from the 2009 churchwide sexuality vote. However, it's current budget about the same as in 2010, showing hints of stabilization, according to Synod Treasurer Andreas Udbye.
Calvary, led by the Rev. Lori Cornell, found itself with a surplus of giving, and forwarded $2,000 of that to the synod above and beyond its normal giving.
Pastor Cornell said, "When a congregation finds itself in the black during difficult economic times, we should act out of abundance: God has blessed us with generous giving, so we should respond generously. Supporting these ministries that help us to serve the larger Lutheran community is not only right, but in our interest."
Creator gave a third of its Christmas offering — $2,200 — and a third of its Lenten offering — $1,400 — to the synod beyond its usual support.
Pastor Kim Latterell said, "The Synod gets our support...partly because it is right, our duty and our joy to be supportive of the work of the larger church, and partly because the synod has been helpful through a number of Creator's historical crises."
Cornell and Latterell both serve on the Synod Council and in other synod leadership roles.
Bishop Robert D. Hofstad was grateful for Calvary, Creator and others for stepping up.
"I give thanks for congregations like Creator Lutheran and Calvary Lutheran that have a clear sense of the strong relationship between congregation, our Southwestern Washington Synod, and the ELCA. I also give thanks for pastors like Lori Cornell and Kim Latterell who are partners in the ministry we do together in the best sense of the word."
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