Below are three resolutions easily approved by the recent assembly of the Southwestern Washington Synod. A fourth, fighting AIDS/HIV, is in the post below this one.
Hunger Awareness
WHEREAS, 963 million people in the world, one in seven, go to bed each night hungry, living on wages less than $1.00 per day; and
WHEREAS, 146 million of the world’s children under age 5 are underweight, severe malnutrition being the primary cause of the deaths of more than half of the 10.1 million children in the world who die each year; and
WHEREAS, 35.5 million people, including 12.5 million children, experience hunger in this country where many families skip meals, eat too little, or go a whole day without food; and
WHEREAS, Agencies assisting the hungry in this country have been stretched to the limit in their attempts to provide emergency food assistance to those in need; and
WHEREAS, Jesus clearly called us to feed the poor, give drink to the thirsty; to befriend the stranger and clothe the needy (Matthew 25:34-35); be it
RESOLVED, that the congregations of the Southwestern Washington Synod renew and revitalize their attention to hunger issues in the world and in their own communities through education, discussion and increased awareness of gifts to ELCA World Hunger; and be it further
RESOLVED, that each congregation in the Southwestern Washington Synod appoints one member to serve as the local contact for synod hunger awareness information and resources.
Submitted by the Hunger Committee
In Support of 1,000 Mission Friends
WHEREAS, we who live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest also live in one of the world’s great mission fields where most of our neighbors are unchurched; and
WHEREAS, the starting of new missions and the care of existing congregations in the form of renewal are the strategic priorities of the SWWA Synod Council; and
WHEREAS, we are a Great Commission church; and
WHEREAS, we have several Synodically Authorized Worshipping Communities and a Congregation Under Development including Living Stones Prison Congregation, Shelton; Peace Lutheran Fellowship, Port Ludlow; Light of Grace Korean Church, Federal Way; Federal Way Chinese Fellowship, Federal Way; and St. Christopher’s Community Church, Olympia as well as several potential redevelopment sites within the Southwestern Washington Synod; and
WHEREAS, "1000 Mission Friends" has developed gifts in excess of $85,000 in support of mission with a continuing goal of providing a minimum of $100,000 annually in additional, immediate direct support for our mission; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Outreach Board and the Synod Council of the Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA continue to develop and promote the "1000 Mission Friends" appeal, increasing the number of friends who contribute a gift of at least $100 annually in support of mission starts and the renewal of congregations in our synod, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the recipients of these funds be encouraged to match partnership gifts; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the disbursement of these gifts be managed by the Southwestern Washington Synod Outreach Board with the approval of the Southwestern Washington Synod Council.
Submitted by the Outreach Board
In Support of Lutheran Counseling Network
WHEREAS, Lutheran Counseling Network is an affiliated Social Ministry Organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; and
WHEREAS, Lutheran Counseling Network values its participation in the ministry of the ELCA reaching out with God’s love in Jesus Christ to help alienated, hurting people reconcile and find new hope and life; and
WHEREAS, Lutheran Counseling Network’s staff of sixteen professional counselors and therapists, and countless volunteers based in twenty congregations of the ELCA in Northwest and Southwestern Washington, provide therapy and counseling to help individuals, couples, families, and groups address depression, anxiety, trauma, behavioral problems, parenting, marriage, sexuality and spiritual issues; and
WHEREAS, Lutheran Counseling Network’s mission is to provide psychotherapy and counseling to people in need, to provide education for congregations and pastors, and to serve as an instrument of God’s grace to strengthen and bring healing to its clients so that they may in turn be instruments of God’s grace; and
WHEREAS, 2011 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the dedicated, Christ-centered work of Lutheran Counseling Network in Western Washington; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the 2011 Assembly of the Southwestern Washington Synod recognize, affirm, celebrate, and give thanks to God for the ministry of Lutheran Counseling Network, its staff, volunteers, and supporting congregations on the 13th anniversary of Lutheran Counseling Network; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Southwestern Washington Synod and its congregations will continue to support in prayer and presence the work of Lutheran Counseling Network.
Submitted by
Rev. Lori Cornell, Calvary Lutheran Church, Federal Way
Rev. Dan Wilson, Hope Lutheran Church, Enumclaw
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