Voting members of the recent assembly passed two resolutions that were calls to action for congregations in the synod.
One from the Synod Hunger Committee calls on congregations to renew and revitalize attention to hunger issues, including appointing a member to serve as a liaison with the hunger committee and also to initiate and support programs in the congregation.
A second, also from the hunger committee, challenges congregations to familiarize themselves with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Strategy on HIV and AIDS, including setting a three-year goal for raising funds for that strategy.
The hunger committee will provide information about both hunger and HIV/AIDS issues.
The committee has secured a volunteer-support grant from the ELCA to provide training and materials for Hunger Committee members to develop teams to visit congregations and present programs on hunger issues. The project will focus on developing congregational hunger contacts, training youth contacts, and working with synod pastors to strengthen hunger work in their congregations.
The committee plans to have those teams ready for action by this fall.
For the 2010 ELCA Hunger Appeal, contributions from the synod totaled $158,931, with $108,452 coming from congregations. This amounts to 29 cents per baptized member. Altogether, the ELCA brought in $16,201,210. The total is down about $2 million from 2009 and $4 million from 2007 and 2008. Fifty-one of the 93 congregations in the synod contributed.
The ELCA Church Council has adopted a strategy on HIV and AIDS that seeks to respond faithfully and effectively to this pandemic by educating and empowering congregations and raising $10 million to address strategy goals.
Through the resolution, the assembly challenged each congregation to familiarize themselves with the HIV and AIDS strategy and to join in the three-year fund raising campaign.
The Hunger Committee will assist congregations by providing ELCA speakers and materials for worship, devotion and education. The resolutions can be read below on this blog.
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