ELCA Tanzania missionary Barbara Robertson will make a rare visit home to the Southwestern Washington Synod from mid-August through late October and will share her experiences with congregations and groups by preaching and teaching. Because of the demand to see Robertson, her availability is greater for Sunday-evening gatherings, circles, mid-week Bible studies and vacation Bible schools. She has prepared presentations.
Robertson serves in Morogoro Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania as part of a team establishing a primary health-care program. She has served in Tanzania for a decade, making her one of the longest-serving missionaries in the synod.
Her work was lifted up in the recent synod assembly when voting members passed a resolution fighting AIDS/HIV and encouraging congregations to help sponsor her and pray for her work, among other initiatives. The resolution was supported by the synod's Church in Society, Hunger and Global Mission boards and committees. The resolution passed overwhelmingly and can be read below.
Robertson's work is supported by her congregation, Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd of Olympia, and other congregations in this synod and elsewhere. Groups interested in hosting Robertson can contact her at bubia2@hotmail.com or Diane Armbrust, chair of the Global Mission Committee, at dparmbrust@hotmail.com.
Robertson is pictured with "the garage boys," who repair the Morogoro Diocese vehicles and who also are her students.
The Resolution
Support and Participation in the ELCA Strategy on HIV and AIDS
WHEREAS, 33.2 million people are living with HIV and AIDS worldwide, 1.2 million of them residing in the United States alone. Each day, more than 6,800 people become HIV-positive and more than 5,700 die from AIDS; and
WHEREAS, AIDS is the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, resulting in 12 million children under the age of 18 having lost one or both parents to AIDS; and
WHEREAS, HIV and AIDS has been named the single greatest reversal in human development in modern times; and
WHEREAS, this church recognizes that the Body of Christ has AIDS and when one member of the body suffers we all suffer; and
WHEREAS, prevention efforts are resulting in a decline in HIV infection rates in sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world, and treatment is now available in developing countries for about $140 a year – keeping parents alive to care for their children and prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child; and
WHEREAS, poverty contributes to the spread of HIV and AIDS, hence, progress in all areas of development – including primary education, gender empowerment and agricultural development is an effective tool in defeating it; and
WHEREAS, the Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has adopted the ELCA Strategy on HIV and AIDS, in which the ELCA seeks to respond faithfully and effectively to this pandemic by educating and empowering congregations and raising $10 million to advance Strategy goals; and therefore be it
RESOLVED that this assembly challenges congregations of the Southwestern Washington Synod to familiarize themselves with the ELCA Strategy on HIV and AIDS, and to learn, serve, advocate and pray on behalf of those who are suffering as a result of the HIV and AIDS pandemic; and be it further
RESOLVED that this assembly challenges each congregation of the Southwestern Washington Synod to set a 3-year fundraising goal in support of the ELCA Strategy on HIV and AIDS; and be it further
RESOLVED that congregations be encouraged to help sponsor and pray for the work of Barbara Robertson of The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Olympia, serving with the ELCA Global Missions in Morogoro, Tanzania, combating HIV and AIDS; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Hunger Committee of the Southwestern Washington Synod will assist congregations in their work in addressing this resolution by providing ELCA educational, worship and devotional resources and speakers.
Submitted by Pastor Linda Milks, Chair, Synod Church in Society Board and Pastor Ron Kempe,
Peace Lutheran, Puyallup and member of Synod Hunger Committee
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